Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Wishes to the women all over the world

Let me wish all the women around the world a "Happy Women's Day!". I would extend my wishes specially to those in the third world countries who are discriminated in the name of gender and oppressed. Even a country like India which boasts that we are already developed nation, has not done much to the underprivileged women. How can any mature person accept female infanticide or a dowry killing?

I know today there would have been quite a many celebrations across our country too. This is the 100th Anniversary which is worth celebrating. Probably many a women would have accused men for all these and cursed them too? I am not here to argue with them. What is the need of the day is more important to us. To be very frank, I do not want to spend much time praising Indra Nooyi or Kiran Mazumdar Shaw or Pratibha Patil, for they have achieved their heights and no one can stop them. I know, in our society there are many privileged women who can achieve great heights and they keep moving ahead and many women's clubs are filled with them. My concern is about the underprivileged and those who do not know what they can and should do.

Very often I see the girls in Biosciences sacrifice their studies for the sake of marriage. About 70% of biotech students are women but among them only about 5 to 10 %  take up a career in biosciences. This is not just a loss for the women but also for the country. It is a type of Brain Drain. All education and money spent on them just go waste. Who is to blame, the students, parents, companies who do not give opportunities or our society as a whole?

On this special day, while wishing all of you, I do wish to give a few advises to the young women. Do not think, that all men are deterrent to your progress. Men and women are just part of the big humanity and they need to go together holding hands to achieve great things for the humanity. Nor, you think that all women who talk big on stages and have organizations which boast to bring changes, are going to help you ( I do have respect for the truly working NGOs who changed the life of many). Probably the men who show true concerns are also your great friends. More than anything, do not expect any sympathy or concessions and someone to come and rescue from the clutches, which many times you had put it on yourself. 

Believe in yourself and never think that womanhood is a curse. Also women should know the truth that many a times an enemy for a woman is another woman. Mother-in-law Vs. Daughter-in-law stories still sell even on TV shows but very few times you would have come across Father-in-law Vs. Daughter-in-law feuds. Yesterday's daughter-in-law is today's Mother-in-law and today's daughter-in-law is tomorrow's mother-in-law. Problems are many times due to what the society thinks as right. Illiteracy, superstitions, false religious believes and chauvinism are the cause for the problem.

To my fellow men too I need to give a few advises. Do not think in the same way as our forefathers have thought regarding women. Do not hesitate to be a rebel in opposing dowry even if you need to fight your own family. At the same time, you need not look at a woman treating them like a weakling or who needs your sympathy, but treat them as your equal.

Let us not wait for a society that great leaders and poets like Subramanya Bharathi dreamt of, but help build it.

1 comment:

  1. lolz at the mother inlaw daughter in law thing :)
